I spent both yesterday's afternoon and today's morning in the Botanical garden ( I did go home for a sleep lol). Although I never miss to visit this oasis of natural beauty whenever in the neighborhood, this time it was for their spring seedlings sale. Yesterday I came too late and today - well I failed to see the notice (in a large font!) that the sale is open only Mon-Fri 11-14. Bugger! We had a bit of an early morning thunderstorm with strong winds but after the clouds have cleared the weather was just amazing, as always after the rain. And what better place to find oneself than in a Botanical garden, with your camera (and low battery! drat) Even though I've only been there yesterday, it was like opening a new treasure chest all over again. And it seems I'll be there Monday. I've scanned through the plants they have for sale and seen quite a few extraordinary wonders that caused excessive salivation ;-)


8 komentari:
Znas sto? Meni se cini da tamo nisam nikad bila!
Izgleda predivno.
Bez pretjerivanja, stvarno jest predivno. Uvijek. U svako doba godine. Sad znaš kamo otići kad slijedeći put dođeš. :-)
Beautiful photos! What is the lovely pink flower in the middle of your post?
Rose, thank you. The first pink one is Saxifraga arendsii (Arend's Saxifrage), actually there's a whole carpet of them there. The next one is a close-up of Peony flower.
Oh Violet, such beautiful and inspiring photos. I'll have to get you to teach me how to do that little side by side photo deal you did with the frame around them. I too loved that tree. You should frame that. It has such unique character.
Yes it is quite striking at any time of year. Actually there's two of them Sophora trees, just opposite each other. I think the white frame around photos is something blogger does itself ( it just appears there, without me doing anything). It must come with the template. And for the little photos, you have a choice of uploading photos in three sizes: small, medium and large. I choose small, put one on the left and the other one next to it, and then I manually minimize them a tiny bit more until they can both fit side by side. Hope that helps!
I fell in love with sophora pendula :)
Will look for one :)
No wonder. I was mesmerized too. This tree is just out of this world, it's amazing whatever the season, looks so stunning even during winter. I have never seen one in the nurseries around here, but then again, I don't think young specimens would catch my eye that quickly.
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