Watching the asphalt take over the world, I often find myself daydreaming of what this city used to be decades ago, and what it is today, but still it gives me utmost pleasure finding a way out of the city in the very heart of that same city. Among a green necklace of parks all over Zagreb, beautiful centuries-old parks, one place gives me the coziest and most enjoyable shelter from the world, and after all, from my very own misanthropic thoughts. The moment I step in, time ceases to exist... Getting away from my grumpy self is usually the hardest task. But like I said, the moment I step in, it's like ''Where has the time gone ?'' And at this special time of year, when the colorful magic of autumn turns the place in the cozy front room with a fireplace crackling in the background, preserving the everlasting immortality of the garden, I can only be thankful for finding a place that preserves my hometown just as lovely, peaceful and inspiring, as decades ago.

However, I have not only found my spare garden of Eden, I have also found my muse... TAXODIUM DISTICHUM or Bald Cypress, probably the greatest tree in this park. And equally beautiful at all times. And equally eye-catching and proud at all times...

- is the state tree of Louisiana.
- has extensions of the roots that grow out of wet soils or water to get oxygen, sometimes called 'knees' or 'pneumatophores'. They do not develop in habitats where the soil is not constantly wet.
- belongs to the Pine family , but it's not an evergreen . In the fall , the leaves turn a glowing yellow and drop.
- is a long-lived tree, they can live to be 1,200 years old!

29 komentari:
I can understand your feeling - I feel the same, when i enter a beautiful park or Botanical Garden. Those are great places in which to get away from everyday life for a little while.
That Bald Cypress is impressive! I don't think I've seen it alive.
Take care!
Ohhhh my goodnes those are the most amazing trees! Being from up north I have never seen anything like that before. Those roots are just too cool! Thanks so much for sharing your great pictures!
Violet--I love your image of leaving the city by entering its heart, and what a beautiful park that must be. We have two young taxodium in our yard--they were there when we moved i in 2000, and they're now about 15 feet. No knees, but they're actually planted on a slight incline so water wouldn't pool around them. I wonder how large we'll see them grow. Always a delight to read your beautiful prose.
You've scribbled together a great post Viooltje. Botanical gardens are a must see for me. In whatever country I am I have to see at least one botanical garden there.
BTW I'm glad that Zagreb still has its green heart and lungs.
What a great post...Those roots are amazing! I've never seen that, and the tree is so majestic. Thanks for sharing your "Garden of Eden" with us! I can understand why you feel so calm here, I would too.
Violet .. I Loved all that you have sribbled ! .. the description of "green necklaces" in a city is perfect : ) .. those older trees with such fantastic roots are simply amazing .. the little people underneath stand guard perhaps ? .. When we lived in Comox (Vancouver Island) .. I found it electrifying to touch such old trees, while looking up as you did with the camera .. I can't explain the feeling but it was like a connection to it and the earth .. one of the most amazing feelings I have ever had.
Sadly when we visited a botanical garden in Spain (some where out side Barcelona) there was actual graffiti carved into cactus .. it made me feel awful that people have do things like that.
This was a wonderful post !
Joy : )
Trees have such character. Etched in the lines of their bark, their trunks, their glorious leaves. Beautiful photos.
There were lots of cypress where I grew up in Florida- I miss them. I remember we used to try to walk on the knees. Probably not so good for the trees, but lots of fun. Looks like a magical place.
I just love those knobbly little devils! Imagine them spreading throughout the town breaking up ashphalt and stopping that guy in his car in his tracks, like an army of Mother Nature's one fingered salute ... lead by General Violtje!
Very cool to learn about the Bald Cypress, I echo Garden4Joy - this post is beautifully expressed.
It is great that you have such wonderful places to unwind. After so many years, the continuity of the parks must be invaluable to your city. We have parks in our city, but they are not cherished as they should be.
I love Bald Cypress, it is almost a fetish of mine. If you feel like digging around, the tree is featured in several of my posts from earlier this summer.
It is fascinating to see that your country so far away looks similar to mine here in Canada with Autumn air igniting a change of crisp fallen leaves!
Hi Violet!
Thanks for your visit!
Nice to got to have learn abot your blog...
Amazing trees and fantastic pictures of the I know what to visit if I ever got to Zagreb.. ; )
what a beautiful garden Violet! I can see why you love it so much. The cypress trees are truly awesome. Thank you for your birthday wishes!
Hi Violet, how nice to see a place where the trees rule! The first photo does indeed look like a secret hideaway, no stresses allowed when you enter here. The bald cypress are magnificent. We saw lots of knees on the ones along the river walk in San Antonio, Texas, they were captivating and full of magic.
@ Katarina: It is impressive. I would love to have one in my garden, but then again, I would love to have a pond that doesn't look like a puddle ;-) And after all, I would never live up to see its greatness, so the specimens in the Botanical garden must have been there for ages and ages and that makes them even more impressive. God knows how many green thumbs drooled over their beauty ...
@ inadvertentfarmer: thx for stopping by, I have never seen them anywhere in the area except the so I guess they are pretty rare here too. Amazing by all means.
@ Cosmo: Oh, how lovely. For you to admire them, and for them to have such great admirers. Lucky buggers, all of you!
@ Well, Yolanda, hopefully one day you will roam through these areas and you know which green thumb to contact for a tour ;-)
@ SpookyDragonfly: I absolutely love 'the little folks underneath'. When I first saw this tree, it was almost alien-like, and the little folks caught my eye instantly. They seemed like a frozen crowd of secret admirers.Who knows ...
@ Joy:
Oh, I know the feeling. And true, no photo or words could ever describe it. Just the age of these old trees leaves me in awe... and then the rest of the magic...excessive salivation all over again. I'm afraid Spain is no surprise to me. I've seen massive old Agava plants that have been carved into for years and years all over our Mediterranean parks.
@ Brenda: I love how you put it. And always glad there are people out there who notice the very essence of nature.
@ JGH: These were the only knees I've seen in real life. I tried to come closer and take a better shot, or get a better look at the lil weird things, but the omnipresent guard gave me a loud warning not to get off the path... :-(
@ Shauna: LOL, you read my wildest thoughts. I wish I could persuade the whole army of the wee folks to settle some of my misanthropic accounts LOL
@ Les: I certainly always feel like digging around LOL. And I will most certainly check it out , as I'm absolutely stunned by these amazing trees.
@ Naturegirl & Gardenlife: thanx for visiting and leaving such a lovely comment
@ Linda: this special place has almost become my personal hideout and definitely one of the favorite places ever.
@ Frances: you couldn't have said it better, there's a certain hint of magic among the little ones for sure. I could easily mistake them for extraterrestrials on a lake camping-do, during an eerie, misty, moonlit night ...
Your photos are glorious. And the narrative... I felt almost as if I was listening to the retelling of a dream. You are a gifted storyteller (and photographer).
I would love, REALLY love, to visit that park one day.
Sophora you are showing makes me want her! it is so beautiful!
Taxodium is remarkable too.
Thanks for sharing.
How majestic! I've never met a Bald Cypress. Those roots are amazing. Whenever I touch a tree that is very very old I feel a tingle up and down my spine.
Oh my. I am loving these photos Violet! And of course your perfect commentary to go along with them.
I've never seen air roots like that...Absolutely fantastic! I think I would have been there for hours just ogling and pondering about them.
And speaking of the trees....those are magnificent! Trees are incredibly stately, no matter the size.
Something about trees...and rocks. I love rocks/pebbles/stones/boulders as much as I love trees. They just vibrate life.
Gosh I wish I could journey to Zagreb and see what you see! ( and to Kefalonia! )
Thank you for these photos Violet, you have made my day!
I love your little folks under the cypress trees. By the way those trees are gorgeous! They look so big and I'm sure they are. Thanks for sharing your park with us.
Yes yes we can, we should visit bota nical gardens more often. And Taxodium are just amazing trees perfect for the fantasy, for fairy tales and so beautiful in gardens with water. What a nice and relaxing blog....
It is an amazing tree indeed! As I read your words I feel you are in love with your town. Very nice article!
wow i love your photoshop effects! it just looks like fairyland <3
Wonderful park.
Boy, sure are all kinds of japonica. Love the shots of the bald cypress...super.
Never seen anything like the "knobbly" stumps,puzzling.
Thanks for the tour.
I so enjoyed this. The sophora japonica pendula is lovely...and the cypress is impressive. lovely image and a pleasure to see.
best regards,
The photographs are truly stunning.....
You've been tagged!! *laughing and running away*
Great blog, photos, video and articles. Very informative. Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work. Rick
Green thumb gardening is really great! This is also a big help to our nature. This may be require a lot of time, effort and hard work, but quite rewarding, plant more vegetables, flowers and other styles that makes your green garden looks cool and great. A lot of tips that you can find in any sites and even this post really helps a lot. Thanks for sharing this very informative post!
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