Tuesday 20 May 2008

Spring impressions

Clematis 'The President'

One of the first 'climbing lianas' to flower in my garden... I have inherited a beautiful old fashioned Clematis from my grandma but it's a summer-flowering one. And these early ones are all a couple of years old, I have misplaced most of their ID cards and forgot their names, so you'll just have to put up with my ignorance ;-)

Clematis 'Warsaw Nike'

Weigela 'Evita'

Digitalis & Salvia nemorosa

Rhododendron 'Anna Rose Whitney'

In times of droughts like the last few weeks, the water well in the backyard gives me a full-time job of walking about like a nutjob with a hose, or scrolling around with sprinklers. And by now, you might have guessed that today is a rainy day, and thus I have found some time to post!

thankfully, I'm not the only nutjob in the garden... these two don't wear the hose, they rather beat about the bush all day...

more furry friends at the garden gate: '' How come they can go in and we can't ? ''
It could just be for the fact that cats don't take orders, they take the message and get back to you...later ;-)

one final glimpse at the last Allium, before they retreat their lovely heads and come back next spring

13 komentari:

gintoino said...

LOL, your cats are great!
Are you having a drought period? Here we are having a weter spring than usual. And I haven't used the hose in the garden this year, yet (i do use it for the vegetable garden). That's one advantage of of drought tolerant plants

Viooltje said...

LOL, I think the cats agree with your praise ;-)

We had sort of a dry period for over a month, and the short rain showers didn't do any good, especially in sandy loam soils like mine. I liked the fact that the slugs didn't do almost any damage to the veg garden, but the first signs of droughts can be seen on my lawn losing its 'green touch' so that's where I step in with the hose. Drought tolerant plants are great, especially in Mediterranean gardens. I don't have many but my Yucca trees are just about the best drought tolerant plants I have ever witnessed (actually the most tolerant considering any extreme conditions including mentally severe winters)

Ewa said...

Yes, our spring is also more wet than yours :) I was only watering plants that I have moved recently to a new place :) No serious hose usage yet :)
Currently it is raining since 3 days :( I hunt for the brakes between showers to make something in the garden - even if it is just a picking vegs :)
Thank you for your nice words you left on my blog :)

Laura said...

Those are great pictures! I have the same clematis the 'President'. I love the shock of purple! You cats are so cute, I love those mischievious garden friends! Thanks for your nice comments on my blog, and our ongoing construction. Its so good to be near the compleation stage!

Melissa said...

Oh I just love your clematis photos! We've gotten 2 varieties for this new garden but neither are blooming yet.

Jamie Rex said...

The comment you left on my blog was so sweet, it made my week! Thank you so much. And thanks for reading my blog. :)

Your clematis are so very beautiful. The photographs are incredible!

I did the same thing as you: When I planted most of my clematis I didn't label them either. This year I'm determined, once they are blooming, to figure out which ones they are.

I look forward to looking at more of your blog.

Marie said...

Beautiful flowers, cats and dogs :)

ombredanne said...

clematis and allium, what a beautiful wedding and that purple .. I love it
nice pictures as always ( from a french garden lover)

garden girl said...

I love those clematis Violet! You have so many pretty things blooming in your garden. Great pictures of your blooms and your garden 'helpers.'

Unknown said...

Thank you for your comment about my blog. You have amazing pictures and a beautiful garden. I'll soon be here again!

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

So much to see in your garden Viooltje! Love the Clematis and the kittycats too, the last made me smile with their antics. Here we have had not so much rain either and my garden could do with a drop or two. I use the hose only for my veggie garden and the new border I'm creating. All the other plants have to get their own water.

VP said...

Ahhhh - so beautiful Viooltje! My 'The President' is just opening its buds. I've coveted Warsaw Nike for quite a while. Your whole garden is looking lovely in spite of the drought and it looks like your cats love it there too!

Viooltje said...

@ Ewa: to be honest, I also found this spring to be way too dry, we always have mostly wet springs, but yesterday and the day before it rained for real after a long period of time. And the slugs are just about to invade!

@ Laura: you're very welcome, your front garden looks outstanding.

@ Melissa: I was as impatient last year, but considering some other plants (Wisteria for instance), Clematis takes only so little time to reward you with wonderful blooms

@ Jamie: likewise! I took another trip to the nursery and wandered through all the Clematis they have in order to find out what were mine called.

@ Marie: thanks for your visit, the dogs are happy that someone noticed them too. LOL

@ Maire Pierre: always a pleasure to have such a delicate French soul stop by my garden.

@ Linda: I can't take my eyes of the Clematis either, I can't walk by without taking more photos

@ Kanak: you're so welcome and thank you

@ Yolanda: the kittycats love eyeing up the hose; they genuinely hate water, but love the sound of it, they could lurk behind the tree and turn their cheeky heads around in wonder all day :-)

@ VP: yes, unfortunately, I took better care of my lawn then the veg garden LOL, I have sprinkles out all day just to keep the lawn look greener on my side of the fence ;-)

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